Sunday, November 18, 2012

Looking Back: My 2008 Publishing Predictions

Amazon Changes the Digital Landscape

Published in the Summer 2008 issue of
 The Center for Independent Publishing newsletter

Recently, the industry was shaken by an announcement by Amazon that the company was changing its order fulfillment policy. In a nutshell, Amazon threatened to disable a book's "Buy Now" button if that book's publishing company did not subscribe to Book Surge Print, an Amazon owned print-on-demand (POD) printing service. Many called it a blatant attempt at a monopoly, because Book Surge is the only POD option available if one wishes to sell books through Amazon using its "Buy Now" button.

As the market evolves and embraces digital distribution options, we at the Center for Independent Publishing (CIP) find Amazon's move both troubling and exciting. Amazon wants to be active all the way along the digital supply chain from production to marketing to distribution. By force of will its Book Surge gambit will make Amazon the de facto virtual digital warehouse for hundreds of thousands of digital book files. What role will Amazon play in helping (or hindering) our members to make better use of their digital assets?

It strikes me that from Amazon's large and powerful river might flow not just POD books, but e-books, books disaggregated and re-purposed for mobile hand held devices, audiobooks and other digital derivatives -- whether now known or hereinafter invented. Our hope is that in the swirl of that digital river, we will see new digital revenue streams emerge for smaller and independent presses. If Amazon remains committed to the indie press segment, and acts as a bridge not just between publishers and traditional readers, but between publishers and digital readers, it becomes an enabler, and, perhaps, the best friend an indie publisher could have. However, Amazon's favoritism to Book Surge is a slippery slope that could easily decrease diversity. Amazon is steering consumers to books that are produced by its owned-and-operated press.

While it doesn't look like the cost of gaining access to the number one online bookstore has gone up (except for duplication costs associated with files formerly entrusted to other POD printers), the CIP is concerned about Amazon’s monopolistic intentions. The company’s claim that it is not seeking exclusivity (i.e., requiring POD titles be printed exclusively through Book Surge), seems to be a subtle bit of specious reasoning. Amazon's gain is the ability to monopolize the POD market. It is offering a single printer option. Just as Amazon deserves our praise for having been a good publishing partner for our publisher members, it deserves our scrutiny as it moves from online bookstore to what is beginning to look suspiciously like a celestial publishing house.

Traditionally, bookselling was separated from publishing, with booksellers (including Amazon) realizing the benefit of combining the wares of many publishers. Now that Amazon has the ability to perform all of the activities that take place between delivery of an edited manuscript and delivery of finished books to readers, the publishing industry needs to take a hard look at its current business model. Publishers have the potential to get squeezed on both ends. For example, there is the Barnes & Noble - Sterling combo with an increasing number of book sales being titles self-published by B&N. It is the same deal with Amazon, which is actively going after new product to self-publish with Createspace as well as original audiobook projects from Audible. To the extent publishers covet virtual shelf space at Amazon (with one-click ordering), Amazon's move should give indie publishers pause.

What if this virtuous publishing partner determines that it is profoundly profitable to publish their own books? If Amazon does not use its great size and ability to bring its own books to the attention of readers, we will be very surprised. When Amazon does this, we fear it will be at the expense of independent publishers whose distinctive personalities are reflected in the books they publish. To date, Amazon has been a good partner, but operating under the aegis of a publicly traded company who has shown the ability to act arbitrarily is disconcerting to the CIP and our publisher members. Publishing is a competitive business. It is likely to become more competitive if Amazon starts favoring its own self-published books

So, as a general proposition, vertical integration is a bad thing. Perhaps, the market will correct itself, as publishers move over to, and other digital asset distributors and e-retailers pop up. Likely, that won't happen. Book distribution is not sexy enough, and Amazon is like the slightly abusive partner we tend to tolerate for the benefit of the kids. If the industry doesn't get an order of protection from the Justice Department, then perhaps we need a Plan B.

Physical distribution of books is largely the preserve of large conglomerate publishers and a handful of large independent distributors. It’s not a pretty business. It employs the equivalent of Yankee peddlers who hand-sell books to brick and mortar stores, with full return privileges for oversold books. If we extrapolate, the Book Surge gambit may be seen as a relatively painless first step in managing the digital distribution of titles to e-tailers and licensees. Amazon has the amazing ability to manage and organize content. It also offers a painless online experience for the consumer. Instead of Amazon merely being the recipient of digital assets, it’s easy to imagine Amazon providing comprehensive consultancy services to our members, helping them prepare their content for digital distribution for and beyond the traditional Amazon platform. Is the Book Surge gambit a disguised opportunity for indie publishers? Perhaps. Indie publishes are the small furry mammals scurrying around the legs of large dinosaur publishers. The digital meteor has hit. To survive, indie publishers need to be able to present content in a variety of digital formats. Is Amazon a friend or a foe? Only time will tell.

If I had to guess, I'd say in the next 24-months Google buys Ingram (Googlegram?) for its digital group assets (including Lightning Source), and it out-Amazons Amazon by creating the ultimate digital warehouse/distributor in the sky.

If Google were to exhibit digital favoritism, it would steer book buyers to its wholly owned and super- efficient Lightning Source imprint. Amazon owns the online store. Google owns the web. Amazon merchandises books. Google sells them contextually. Balance is restored to the planet.

The short- to mid-term changes in trade publishing are going to be dramatic. Large publisher dominance is shrinking in the new media economy. When the change comes, we believe the main winners will be independent publishers. They music industry taught us that. Amazon has confirmed it.

Lloyd J. Jassin
Chair, Executive Committee
Center for Independent Publishing

Postscript / Scorecard

Welcome to 2016! Glad you could make it.

It's time to assess my fortune telling abilities. So, how did I do in predicting the future of publishing? As predicted, Amazon's was the catalyst for profound changes in the publishing industry.  

These are the five publishing predictions I made in 2008: 

Prediction No. 1: Amazon acquires book publishing companies.
Verdict: Correct. In 2012 Amazon acquired Avalon and Dorchester.

Prediction No. 2: Google skews search results to favor its own content.

Verdict: Correct. As of this writing (late 2017), Google is appealing a record €2.4bn (£2.2bn)fine levied by the EU over search engine results

Prediction No. 3: Amazon will crush the competition. 
Verdict: Correct. In 2015 Amazon controlled 74% of the eBook market. 
Prediction No. 4: Google Acquires the Ingram Content Group.
Verdict: Okay, not yet. Give it time.

Prediction No. 5: The big winner will be independent book publishing. 
Verdict: Correct. "[N]on-traditionally-published books now make up nearly 60% of all Kindle ebooks purchased in the US, and take in 40% of all consumer dollars spent on those ebooks," according to a 2015 report by the AAP (Assoc. of American Publishers).
Saturday, November 17, 2012

Are Literary Estates a 'Clot' on Creativity?

Book Review: Modernism & Copyright

The Chicago Manual of Style exhorts writers, editors and publishers to employ fair use “boldly.”  Easier said than done, suggests Paul K.Saint-Amour, editor of this thought provoking collection of essays that focuses on the tension between copyright and modernism.   Fair use, of course, is a doctrine that helps courts avoid the rigid application of copyright law, where rigid application would stifle the very creativity copyright law was designed to promote.  While essential to free expression, fair use is at best, an unpredictable doctrine.  

In the introduction to Modernism & Copyright (Oxford University Press), Saint-Amour, an associate professor of English at the University of Pennsylvania, tells us that his book explores how the “law shapes what is published, studied and canonized.”   Saint-Amour passes that task along to fourteen essayists from diverse fields, who discuss the interplay between copyright, privacy and publicity rights on the one hand, and the progressive agenda of modernists to adapt and borrow freely from others’ works. 

Walt Whitman's Niece
Billy Bragg & Wilco

No one reading this book will likely disagree that the unauthorized use of protected materials to create new art, music and literature is too often automatically thought of as an economic threat to the material that has been borrowed or bent.  The kind of permissiveness the book advocates for is in fact, a preference for a less regulated dialog between past and present – an enhanced ability to mix-and-match that is more in keeping with our digital present than our analog past.   What we lose and what we might gain by freely manipulating the past, can’t be known.  But what is clear from reading the book is how modernistic art, literature and music have been shaped haiku-like by the confines of intellectual property law.  

In a chapter on Ezra Pound, Robert Spoo, a law professor, laments that the general spirit of unpermissiveness and paranoia of the current copyright regime which befuddles and intimidates contemporary artists and authors.   In another era Ezra Pound called copyright “dishonest,” “rascally,” and a “clot” of law.   Unlike Pound who actually worked in a “more permissive and less propertized climate,” today’s artist, author  and composer, sitting in their studio or study, works under much greater pressure – and at their own peril -- to get the law right.   Today, the chilling penalty for getting copyright law wrong is receipt of a DMCA Take-Down Notice, or worse, a call to defend your art or scholarship in court.  Paradoxically, Spoo points out that “Today, the estates of James Joyce, T.S. Eliot, Samuel Becket, William Faulkner and other modernist authors use extended copyrights to discourage or control use of those authors’ works by scholars, critics and others.”  

Creativity is not a self-contained activity observes Celia Marshik, in her essay Thinking Back through Copyright.   Here, the focus is on Virginia Woolf’s feminist classics, A Room of Her Own (1929) and Three Guineas (1938).   She asserts Woolf’s words and sentences were intimately linked (but not in a parasitic sense) to recognizable voices from women’s literature.   “[N]o author works in that room alone,” Marshik points out.   Woolf herself , admitted that “masterpieces are not single and solitary births; they are the outcome of many years of thinking in common of thinking by the body of people, so that the experience of the mass is behind the single voice” (Room 65).   There are echoes here of Mark Twain:  “We have no thoughts of our own, or opinions of our own, we are a compost heap made up of decayed heredities, moral and physical.” 

All of this is background for three chapters on the intersection of copyright law and the law of estates and trusts.  These chapters should be of particular interest to readers of this journal.  Here, the focus is on publishing -- not music, movies or theatre.  Of the three chapters, attorney Mark A. Fowler’s contribution stands out for the clarity of its prose, and prescriptive approach to dealing with literary biography -- writing about the literary lives of writers. 

What makes literary biographies so successful is also what makes them so dangerous to undertake.    They rely on unpublished material and appropriate literary language designed to convey the personality of the writer who is under scrutiny.  This chapter surveys a trio of cases involving quotations from unpublished materials by J.D. Salinger, L. Ron Hubbard, and Richard Wright – a trio of dead authors whose estates harbor animosity against literary biographers.  The three chapters that follow include Carol Loeb Shloss’s essay on her suit against the Estate of James Joyce to adjudicate what constitutes fair use of  unpublished letters, and a pair of illuminating essays by Gertrude Stein’s literary executor (whose non-Joyce-like approach to permission requests is to honor the bohemian spirit of Stein); and Ezra Pounds’ literary executor.  

While following no single line of argument, the essayists would find no issue with the notion that reigning in copyright would expand diversity.   One of the central messages of the book is that copyright is in crisis.   The internet is a major mutation, changing our relationship to content.    Copyright, the book argues, is ill equipped to accommodate creator-publisher-consumers. 

For over 300 years publishing was a top down, multiple uniform copy, “All Rights Reserved,” “No Derivative Works,” “You Buy it You Own it”  industry.  The digital world is not uniform.   It is fundamentally altering our relationship to content by allowing creators to “borrow” and “recast” with near impunity what came before.   While not everything here is above criticism, Modernism & Copyright is a rare interdisciplinary work on the challenging topic of intellectual property.   Refreshingly, its focus is not just whether copyright will survive the digital deluge (a topic of discussion which has gotten old), but what impact copyright has had on the creative process.  

Paul K. Saint-Amour (ed):  Modernism & Copyright

Oxford University Press, 2011, 381 pp.
Trade Paperback, $29.95
ISBN13: 978-0-19-973154-1, ISBN10: 0-19-973154-3
Lloyd J. Jassin

Originally Published in Publishing Research Quarterly (Springer)

Friday, October 26, 2012

Faulkner Quote in "Midnight in Paris" Sparks Lawsuit

The past is not dead! Actually, it's not even past. You know who said that? Faulkner. And he was right. And I met him, too. I ran into him at a dinner party.” 
                                                       -- Wood Allen's "Midnight in Paris"
The above quote from William Faulkner's "Requiem for a Nun" was used in Woody Allen's "Midnight in Paris" (2011) without permission.  It has sparked a copyright and trademark infringement lawsuit.  As reported by The Hollywood Reporter, the suit was filed with the U.S. District Court in Mississippi on Thursday. In the movie, Gil Pender (Owen Wilson), who utters Faulkner's words, is a successful Hollywood screenwriter who, to quote The New Yorker ,"considers himself a hack," someone "struggling to write a novel, a dubious-sounding story about a man who lives in the past."

The dialogue is categorized in the complaint as both an "infringing quote" and "likely to cause confusion, to cause mistake, and/or to deceive the infringing film's viewers as to a perceived affiliation, connection or association between William Faulkner and his works, on the one hand, and Sony, on the other hand." 

A good case can be made for fair use of the borrowed language.  The studio, if it wishes to litigate the matter, would argue that the screenwriter didn't lack imagination.  Allen wasn't padding the script or regurgitating Faulkner. He was bringing new insight to Faulkner, and the words quoted.  Among other things, William Faulkner is cultural shorthand for the struggling novelist who turns to Hollywood for fame and fortune. Gil called himself a Hollywood hack.   Faulkner called himself a failed poet who took up the novel.  Point.  Counterpoint. Gil's struggle is the inverse of Faulkner's.  How can we learn anything about ourselves if we can't quote enough to make a larger point about the human condition?  Put another way, the word "Faulkner" packs a lot of meaning. The motive for quoting Faulkner matters. It was to make a larger point -- not steal bread from the mouths of Faulkner's orphan children.    

Okay, but the Faulkner orphans might still wonder why Congress would allow Allen to borrow (steal?) their
literary property - but not their feeding bottles or bonnets?  Fair use allows scholars, researchers and others to borrow or use small (and sometimes large) portions of in-copyright works for socially productive purposes without seeking permission. The doctrine -- which complements the First Amendment -- helps courts avoid rigid application of copyright law where rigid application would "stifle the very creativity which the law is designed to foster." Against this backdrop, fair use can be looked at as a balancing act. It is an imperfect attempt to reconcile the competing ideals of free speech with the property rights of individual creators. Fair use recognizes that the reason for our nation's copyright laws is not so much for individual creators, but, rather to promote the progress of art and science.

Regarding the trademark claim, more likely than not it would be dismissed on a motion for summary judgment.   Arguably, it's not a trademark use. It's a passing reference in an artistic work to another artistic work.  Artistically relevant references to cultural icons, whether dead novelists or consumer products, are often protected under the First Amendment. They call it the Rogers artistic relevance test or exception. Ginger Rogers once tried to stop a movie that included her name in the title.  The movie was Fellini's satire "Ginger & Fred," which concerned two retired small-time dancers who were known as Ginger and Fred.  When Ginger Rogers learned of the film, she claimed the movie falsely implied she endorsed it - a violation of Section 43(a) of the Trademark Act. Affirming the trial court, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals held that, provided, a celebrity's name has some reasonable "artistic" relationship to the content of the work, and is neither "explicitly" misleading, nor a thinly veiled commercial advertisement, the slight risk that the celebrity's name might implicitly suggest endorsement or sponsorship, may be outweighed by the public interest in free expression. 

In the context of a recent blog on the HathiTrust ruling, I commented that when suing you have to keep in mind the "clear" purpose of copyright. Copyright may be called a "monopoly," but private reward must be balanced against the public good.  Based on what I know, my money is on Mr. Allen and Sony Pictures. 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Authors Hold No Veto Over HathiTrust's Mass Digitization of Books

Quote of the Day
"I cannot imagine a definition of fair use that would not encompass the transformative uses made by Defendants’ MDP and would require that I terminate this invaluable contribution to the progress of science and cultivation of the arts that at the same time effectuates the ideals espoused by the ADA." - Hon.Harold Baer, Jr
On Wednesday, a federal district judge held that the mass digitization of books and other printed material by university libraries, funded by Google, was a fair use. The decision was a blow for The Authors Guild, which brought the lawsuit.  At the heart of the litigation was, as Publishers Weekly described it, "a digitization collective of research libraries . . . built with millions of “unauthorized” scans created by Google."

What the HathiTrust litigation makes clear is that the struggle over copyright is sometimes complicated, but not in this instance. As the music business learned (or should have learned), suing moms and groups of students for sharing music files does not endear you to the general public. Likewise, the prospect of denying library patrons with print disabilities access to books and other print materials, didn't go over big with Judge Harold Baer, Jr.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Open Road Update: ePubber Tells HarperCollins to Hit the Road

ere is a link to Open Road's answer to HarperCollins' recently filed lawsuit against them. Nothing surprising here. Open Road refutes HarperCollins’ legal position that the term “in book form” in a pre-Internet age contract includes eBook rights.

As you may recall, in its complaint for copyright infringement, HarperCollins argued that its contract for Julie of the Wolves, a book first published in 1972, gave it the sole right to publish Jean Craighead George’s YA classic in eBook form.

The big issue, hiding in plain sight, is the issue of competitive books. Most see the case through the lens of "who should control eBook rights?," but there's little doubt in my mind that the novel issue is not one of property but of equity or fairness. And, as they say, fairness is in eye of the beholder.

By way of background, most "standard" author-publisher contracts (actually there's no such thing as a standard contract in the publishing industry) prohibit the author from publishing a "competitive" book without first receiving the publisher's permission.

In its recently filed answer,Open Road neither denies nor admits that its digital version of Wolves competes directly with the sale of the book in paper form. As I wrote previously, while the grant of primary rights did not mention eBook rights, a court might find it unfair for Ms. George to collect royalties from HarperCollins, while, at the same, time enjoying a royalty stream for the same work from Open Road. There is, however, scant law on the enforceability of non-compete clauses found in publishing contracts -- and even less law on liability for deliberate or tortious interference with such contractual relationships.

Next Stop on the Long Litigation Road

What's next?  Briefs will be prepared and a parade of industry experts will be asked to submit expert affidavits in support of either HarperCollins or Open Road, stating under "penalty of perjury," that the ability to read text on a screen [did] [didn't] date back to 1971 (or earlier).

Side Bar 

If you have a sense that we've been down this road before, you are correct.  Open Road and HarperCollins' lead attorneys duked it out in 2001-2002 in the Rosetta Books case.  Yup, they've even taken the same sides of the issue.  In 2002, Rosetta, won an appeal affirming a trial judge's decision not to enjoin Rosetta from selling eBook editions of Random House's Slaughterhouse Five, Sophie's Choice and other  bestselling backlist titles.


The Rosetta Books decision reminds us that eBooks have been poised to cannibalize books in print for over decade.  This time, however, traditional publishers such as HarperCollins and Random House are in a more vulnerable position, as today it is clear that you cannot remain profitable on the sale of bound books alone.


Book Publishing Contract Checklist


Author Joins Fight Over eBook Rights -- Wall Street Journal (Article)
Random House v. Rosetta Books -- (2d Cir. 2002) (Court Doc)
How Controls eBook Rights? -- Copylaw (Legal Analysis)