Pro Tip #1. If the name of your existing business is evocative, memorable, and differentiating, consider it as the title of your book. If consumers were to see a confusingly similar book title and reasonably believed it was associated with your business, you may have a viable unfair competition or trademark law - notwithstanding the so-called single title rule.
The focus of the analysis is the likelihood the public will believe your book was published or approved by someone else, including a well-known brand owner. The most important likelihood of confusion factors are: (a) the similarity of the marks, (b) the relatedness of the goods or services, which could be a book series, a podcast series, an online course, consulting or coaching services), and (c) the marketplace strength of the mark.
A knock out search is a trademark clearances search which helps identify identical marks, and those in close resemblance. The Trademark Office's free online database of every federal trademark registered or applied for in the U.S. is invaluable for identifying identical and similar marks for related goods or services. Known as TESS (Trademark Electronic Search System), the database is located at
If the title you've selected is already registered by someone for related goods or services, absent a First Amendment defense, soldier on and choose another title. If they cared enough to register their mark, there's a good chance they are prepared to fight to protect it.
Important! Not every use of a trademark (or similar title) without permission is an infringement. There are many legitimate reasons to use a particular word or phrase in the title of a creative work that doesn't have anything to do with trading on another party's goodwill, fame, or reputation.
Most nonfiction book titles simply describe the contents of the book. Words that merely describe the contents of a book are, at best, weak trademarks and receive no protection without proof that consumers associate them with a particular source. By "source," the Trademark Act refers to the source of the physical or virtual goods rather than the author. While single titles are not entitled to trademark registration if a single title attains secondary meaning -- a level of commercial magnetism associated with runaway bestsellers -- it can be protected. In analyzing whether a title infringes a trademark or another title, courts balance the right to speak freely against the rights of the trademark owner. While using a disclaimer (the subject of a future post) is not a magic bullet, a prominent disclaimer can help reduce the potential for consumer confusion.For additional tips on selecting a book title, click here.A Warning Before You Start Your Search
Because of the malleability of trademark law, evaluating a search report is as much an art as it is science. Put another way, the decision to move forward may come down to how much risk you are willing to take, which is a business decision informed by the quality of the search and the legal analysis. When in doubt, consult a trademark attorney. Your trademark attorney will advise if your mark is even registerable as a trademark. Additionally, they will help you navigate the trademark registration maze.
How to Protect a Single Book Title (and the Business Behind it)
rationale for the single title rule is that once a book enters the
public domain, it should remain there, and the public be allowed to
identify it by its original title. So how do you protect a series title,
even though you haven't published the second book in the series?
While the first book in a series cannot be registered, the Trademark Office will allow an author to file a trademark application on an Intent to Use basis. Assuming your application meets the minimum filing requirements when the second book in the series is published and a Statement of Use is filed, the Trademark Office will re-evaluate the application. A key benefit of having an Intent to Use application is the filing date will serve as the date of first use if you complete the registration process. Another advantage is your application will block other later filed trademark applications for identical or confusingly similar marks for related goods, including series titles.
you obtain the registration for your title, the original filing date
will serve as the date of first use. That gives you priority over those
who began using the trademark after your filing date.
Once you have selected your title, you or your attorney can file either an Intent to Use trademark application or one based on actual commercial use online at Assuming your application meets the minimum filing
requirements, it will be assigned to an examining attorney for review. If there are irregularities with the application, the examiner will
issue an Office Action. An Office Action states the
legal basis for a refusal to register. Some refusals are relatively
easy to overcome, e.g., unacceptable specimen refusals and improper
description of goods and services.
Pro Tip. A standalone book title cannot be registered as a trademark unless it is later used for a series of works (e.g., Harry Potter #1, Harry Potter #2).
Substantive refusals include confusingly similar to a mark in an existing registration or pending application. Since a trademark must be distinctive, another common refusal is the mark merely describes an ingredient, quality, characteristic, function, feature, purpose, or use of the goods or services covered in your application. Refusals to register are par for the course. Some can be overcome by cogent legal arguments. However, those with fatal flaws cannot. If the objection is minor, the trademark examiner may call you or send you an informal email requesting information. But, because trademark examiners cannot provide legal advice, the Trademark Office recommends that you use the services of a law firm familiar with Trademark Office practices.
A federal trademark registration can last forever, provided timely renewal applications are filed and the mark remains distinctive for the goods or services it is linked to.
Only with federal registration may you use the coveted ® symbol. If your mark is unregistered, you may use a superscript ™ after the mark. While trademark notices are not legal requirements, they have legal significance. Like a "No Trespassing" sign, a trademark notice gives notice of your rights. That makes asserting a good faith defense more difficult for a trademark infringer. While willfulness is not a precondition to a profit award, willful infringers are treated more harshly than innocent ones, including, in exceptional cases, awarding attorneys' fees.
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DISCLAIMER: This article discusses general legal issues of interest and is not designed to give specific legal advice pertaining to specific circumstances. Professional legal advice must be obtained before acting upon any of the information contained in this article.